Feline Friendly Acupuncture

Acupuncture as an alternative to traditional medicine for your cat. Veterinarian acupuncture is an emerging field. It is often considered as an adjunctive treatment for human injury and disease.

There are many reasons to consider medical-acupuncture for your cat. It is safe to use and can be used to treat many types of injuries and diseases. Although pain management is the most well-known use of acupuncture in this area, GI disease, urinary tract disease and post-surgical management are just a few of the other possible uses of acupuncture.

Acupuncture stimulates nerve system cells (neurons), and other structures. This helps to modulate pain, open up vessels to promote natural immune system processes, and makes your cat feel better. Acupuncture needles placed in one area of a cat’s body can have wide-ranging effects.

What to Expect During an Acupuncture Appointment:

The appointment can take anywhere from a half an hour to one hour depending on the situation with your cat. We will use the same format and flow as our regular appointments. We’ll collect a history and perform a physical exam, with an emphasis on myofascial characteristics. Then we’ll discuss any diagnostics that might be useful, and then, we’ll recommend a treatment plan, which may include acupuncture. We’ll work at your cat’s pace, and in the location that you prefer. Your baby will be there with you the entire time. Some cats will allow more needles than others. They may also be able to stay in for longer periods of time. This is perfectly normal. Even if only a few needles are used for a brief time, there are likely to be positive results. Although most conditions can be treated with a series, every cat is different.

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