General Information

How do cats drink water?

The speed at which cats drink water is so fast that it is impossible for the human eye to see what is happening. This is why the trick has apparently been lost in the shuffle. The neatness of this feline solution was captured using high-speed photography. Drinking may not seem that big a deal to

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Ten things your cat would like you to know

Fleece is my favorite bedding material. Research has shown that cats prefer fleece to towels and other bedding materials. I don’t usually get in a fight with other cats, even though I may hate them. I’ll try to avoid them even if that means I have to go on the floor instead of passing them

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Is your cat keeping you up?

Although no one likes being woken up every night or too early in morning, cats can do it to get attention or to get food. It’s like Simon’s Cat doing “cat-man do”! Even if you have never been woken by a cat, you’ll want to see this one! You might even get up and pet

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Happy cats = Healthy cats – Food Puzzles

This puzzle feeder topic is just one of many blogs we have planned for you, and will help to enrich your indoor cat’s lives. Stress can lead to many behavioral disorders that we treat in our patients, including intercat aggression, urine marking and house soiling as well as owner-directed aggression and behavioral overgrooming. Their mind

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Cats love food puzzles

Food puzzles are a great idea for cats. Cats don’t find eating out of a bowl very interesting. You can instead give your cat a feeder that mimics normal feline hunting. Cats are naturally skilled at hunting and looking for food. A puzzle feeder, also known as a food toy or slow feeder, is a

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Positive Behavior Change – Catch your cats doing the right thing

Learning by Association It is as easy as paying attention to your cat’s behavior and rewarding them for it. Cats learn through association. They will reward the behaviors they like and decrease those they don’t. Here, there are not any training sessions. Positive behavior modification is the ability to change your cat’s behavior as you

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