Happy cats = Healthy cats – Food Puzzles

This puzzle feeder topic is just one of many blogs we have planned for you, and will help to enrich your indoor cat’s lives. Stress can lead to many behavioral disorders that we treat in our patients, including intercat aggression, urine marking and house soiling as well as owner-directed aggression and behavioral overgrooming. Their mind and bodies are kept busy by puzzle feeders.

Cats are instinct hunters and so offering them food in a bowl is not logical. Your indoor cat will be able to unleash his inner tiger by challenging him with food puzzles or other ways to catch and get his food.

Food puzzles come in different forms. You can make them yourself or buy them. You can use them with canned foods or dry foods.

For cats who are new to puzzles, it is a good idea to start with easy-to-dispense “prey”. Clear puzzles that have multiple openings allow cats to see, smell and hear the food inside. This makes it easier for them to conquer the prize. It also motivates them for the next challenge. As with all things, cats are not always as quick to pick up the basics. Encourage your hunter by giving them treats and praise, and letting them enjoy their catch.

Slowly increase the difficulty by using puzzles with smaller holes and more complex shapes.

You can hide puzzles throughout your house with clues or objects such as pingpong balls to increase the challenge. To keep her bengal patient busy, I love the puzzle that she created. He was able to solve the puzzle by using a simple wooden box with a latch and treats wrapped in small cloths inside. You don’t need to be fancy…be creative!

All of your cat’s daily food can be provided in creative ways using unique puzzles over time. Our cats love to board at our clinic with their daily hunt directions and puzzles.

We encourage you to explore all the options and products available. Cats can be very different from humans. One cat may be excited and stimulated by another.

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